We could not continue operating without support from volunteers and donations from businesses and individuals in the community. Keeping our pantry running requires thousands of pounds of food each month. Regular monetary donations and contributions of food from the community are our lifeblood.
Make a Donation Online or by Mail
Monetary contributions are always welcome and allow us to buy needed food items at a steeply reduced price from the Food Bank of Central New York. By making a monetary donation, you let us make your dollars go farther. Donations can be made online through St. Anne. Mother of Mary Parish (https://stannemotherofmary.weshareonline.org/ws/opportunities/MexicoFoodPantry).
Donations can also be mailed to: Mexico Food Pantry 5863 Scenic Ave Mexico, NY 13114
Volunteer Although we receive support from the government and community, our pantry is run entirely by volunteers. From ordering food, sorting donations and unloading food trucks, to handling paperwork, filling orders and restocking shelves, we rely on volunteers to make things happen. Our volunteers represent a diverse group: working professionals, craftsmen, young people and retirees all come together to help out.
Some volunteers help every week. Others give their time once a month. Many enjoy socializing with like-minded people dedicated to improving their community. Whatever amount of time you can give, we are more than willing to train and welcome you. To inquire about volunteering, contact the pantry during business hours.
Donate Food Donations of food are also gladly accepted and can be dropped off during pantry hours or by appointment.